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Tongue & 
Lip Ties

Does you or your infant or child have a tongue and/or lip tie?  Read below for more information regarding the symptoms, treatment and management of tight oral tissues. 

What is a Tongue/Lip Tie?

A tongue tie is an anatomical tether that limits the mobility of the tongue. This restriction often causes a spectrum of issues and can affects around 20% of the population.

    A lip-tie, is a lip to gum relationship that causes limitation in upper lip mobility and or spacing between two front teeth. The lip tie can make it difficult to brush the top teeth and can lead to excess spaces between teeth. 

   The tongue and lip are made up of a very complex group of muscles and are important for all oral functions. For this reason, having a tongue- or lip-tie can lead to nursing, feeding, dental, speech, sleep, or breathing problems. Problems can even persist into adulthood with sleep issues, headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, and speech problems.​​




If you or your infant even have a few of these signs and symptoms, even with good weight gain there is an indication for a tie evaluation. 
Mother's Symptoms:
  • Painful nursing

  • Creased or flattened nipples

  • Blistered or cut nipples

  • Incomplete breast drainage

  • Inability to nurse without use of a nipple shield

  • Frequent plugged ducts or mastitis

  • Dwindling milk supply 

Infant's Symptoms:
  • Poor latch

  • Poor weight gain

  • Clicking/smacking sound during nursing

  • Reflux and/or frequent spitting up

  • Frequent gassiness and/or fussiness

  • Cannot hold a pacifier in mouth

  • Frustrations with feeding

  • Lengthy nursing sessions

  • Frequent nursing sessions

  • Frequent mouth breathing



If your child has even a few of these signs or symptoms a full evaluation should be considered. 
Child Symptoms:
Girl Lying Down_edited.jpg
  • Speech issues

    • Cannot speak fast​

    • Frustration with speaking

    • Quiet talker

    • Stuttering

    • Difficulty or inability to make certain sounds

  • Feeding issues

    • Inability to eat certain texture foods

      • Picky eaters​

    • Packing food in cheeks 

    • Slow eating

    • Frequent gagging

  • Mouth breathing

    • Snoring​

    • Frequent ear/ throat  infections

    • Orthodontic issues

    • Restless sleep

    • Attention deficit

    • Bed wetting

    • Growth disturbances

    • Tooth grinding

    • and much more.

Infant Treatmen facts
Smiling Baby

Infant Treatment Facts

 Myth: "Tongue and lip ties only affect nursing babies."    


Truth: Nursed and bottle fed babies can both show signs and symptoms of oral restrictions. Dr. Fallon has helped hundreds of families feed better regardless on if they were nursing or bottle feeding.


   Dr. Fallon works as part of a  multidisciplinary team that consists of lactation consultants, occupational therapists, chiropractors and other health care providers. This group works together to help you and your infant have the best outcomes possible.

     You will first be fully evaluated by Dr.Fallon and then decision made on if the ties are what is causing your nursing troubles.  Dr.Fallon will confer with her multidisciplinary team to have you and your baby fully supported. When it is deemed time for the procedure Dr.Fallon will walk you through the steps of the procedure, complete the procedure and give you a hands on training session on post operative care. 

     Dr.Fallon has a high powered laser that ablates the oral ties and helps free up movement for your infant. This laser is safe for use on your infant. This procedure takes only about 30 seconds and is relatively pain free for your infant. Dr.Fallon will use a topical anesthetic to assure comfort for your little one.  Nursing dyads will often times see improvement immediately after procedure. 

     Full healing takes about 3-4 weeks and in this time you will meet with Dr.Fallon at least once and continue with your other specialists (lactation consultant, chiropractor etc). 

     Dr.Fallon has a passion for this treatment as her daughter struggled to nurse and she realizes now that there was a way to improve the symptoms and not have to suffer through.  

child treatment facts
Kids in the Garden

Child Treatment Facts

If your child has a tight oral frenum, they will adapt. They will survive, but will they THRIVE? Tethered oral tissues can lead to a myriad of issues for your child's growth and development if left untreated. 

    Dr.Fallon works with a multidisciplinary team to help children free up the use of their tongues, lips and cheeks while learning how to utilize this new found freedom of movement.  The team includes speech therapists, occupational therapists, feeding therapists, chiropractors, ENT's, orthodontists and myofunctional therapists. This team will let you know when your child is ready for their frenectomy procedure and help support your child before and after their procedure to achieve optimal results.

    After a thorough evaluation, if your child is deemed to have a limited use of their lip, tongue or cheeks, Dr.Fallon may refer you for  pre-operative "physical therapy." When your chid is ready for release of the tight tissues, Dr.Fallon uses a high power laser to ablate the tight tissue frenum that is restricting movement of your child's lip, tongue and or cheeks.  This procedure lasts about 30 seconds. She will utilize topical numbing to help with any sensitivity from the laser.  Dr.Fallon will go over your post-op care and also facilitate follow up with other specialists. You will have a follow up in 48 hours with your OT/speech or myofunctional therapist and then follow up with Dr.Fallon 1 week later. 

    Results are amazing when pre and post op care are maximized.  Results can take some time to fully express themselves as it takes time to re-learn how to chew, swallow and speak.  Because of this we ask patients and parents to be patient.

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Dr.Fallon is a Certified HealthyStart provider. This system helps children who suffer from perpetual mouth breathing and sleep disordered breathing.

Before and After








2 Weeks Post-OP


1 week Post-OP

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